

The speed which slowmo-replay replays events. It is recommended to use replay! with the optional :speed parameter rather than overriding this.


Gets all the events recorded onto the tape.


(db-at-mark {:keys [start-time]})
Gets the app-db as of the start-time of the given mark.


(db-at-time time)
Gets the app-db as of the given time.


(db-before-tape tape)
Gets the app-db before the start of the given tape (a seq of events)


(end-mark mark)(end-mark mark time)
Ends a mark. When provided a time, uses that time as the end time, otherwise uses the current time.


(instant-replay! tape-to-replay)(instant-replay! tape-to-replay options)
Synchronously and instantaneously replays the given events. Takes a seq of events, and an optional map containing an :initial-db key (the initial value of app-db to start the replay with).


(mark)(mark time)
Starts a mark. When provided a time, uses that time as the start time, otherwise uses the current time.


(marked-tape {:keys [start-time end-time]})
Gets the section of tape that is covered by the given mark (i.e. between the start and end times of the mark).


(replay! tape-to-replay)(replay! tape-to-replay options)
Asynchronously replays the given events. Do not run more than 1 replay at once. Takes a seq of events, and an optional map containing an :initial-db key (the initial value of app-db to start the replay with), and :speed (a multiplier for the speed at which events are replayed).


(slowmo-replay! tape-to-replay)(slowmo-replay! tape-to-replay options)
Same as replay, but at 1/4 speed.